Homemade Beauty Products

Homemade Beauty Products

Now is the time to stop spending a fortune on unhealthy beauty products, and start making natural skin care goodies at home! Here are my favorite recipes ...
Homemade Cleaning Products

Homemade Cleaning Products

Some great recipes on how to make effective cleaning products. Home made products for window cleaning, laundry detergent, and furniture polish are all outlined here. In addition to creating more self reliance in your life, you can save money too!
Medical Herbal Remedies

Medical Herbal Remedies

Health is an important aspect of our lives, and many people are turning to herbal and alternative medicine as another option to take advantage of.
Food Preservation

Food Preservation

Natural food preservatives have been used and known to mankind since long time. These are used in both raw as well as cooked food to increase the shelf value of food so that aroma, taste and the food itself can be stored for a longer period of time.
Self Reliance Skills

Self Reliance Skills

Join us as we take baby steps into self reliance, and getting back to basics.
Homemade Beauty Products
Homemade Cleaning Products
Medical Herbal Remedies
Food Preservation
Self Reliance Skills

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Home Herbs Herbs Recipes
Herbs Recipes

Recipes using herbs, edible flowers and produce.

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1 Condition: Cold and Flue Administrator 4603
2 Condition: Ear Infection Administrator 4940
3 Condition: Asthma Administrator 4816
4 Condition: Allergies Administrator 4725


As with any information regarding health and disease, please consult qualified medical personnel.