Aerva (Aerva lanata) Print
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Thursday, 19 May 2011 04:58

The roots are diuretic and demulcent. They are credited with tonic properties and given to pregnant women. The roots and flowers are used to cure headaches. The flowers are used for the removal of kidney stones and in gonorrhea.  Roots used in headache and also as emulcent. Decoction of the root is given as tonic to pregnant women.  Also used for the treatment of gonorrhea and kidney disorders, cutaneous affections and sugar in urine. This herb is described as "one of the best known remedies for bladder and kidney stones." Ayurvedic practitioners recommend a decoction of the plant to be taken internally for a few days to dissolves the stone and to clear the urinary path. As a tea it is used as a flushing-out treatment using more than 2 liters per day, sometimes combined with a medication for inflammations of the genitourinary tract (cystitis, urethritis), urinary gravel and nonobstructive stones, to prevent relapsing urinary infections, gravel and stones and for inflammations of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, phyarngitis, etc; coughs due to thickened bronchial section, and gastrointestinal tract.  Externally it is used as a poultice for minor skin inflammations.  It is useful to treat boils cephalgia, Cough, and lithiasis.   For fever:  Crush the leaves in cold water and bathe.